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Genre Smash! with Fraiser Creator Peter Casey

Remember the time when that woman you were going to marry left you at the altar for another man, and then your favorite bar closed down, so you moved back to Seattle to reboot your career, only to find that your dad had to move back in with you, along with his big ugly easy chair that didn’t match any of your furniture?

Yeah, that didn’t happen to you. It happened to Frasier Crane, who’s a fictional character. But don’t worry. We love both CHEERS and FRASIER so much that we often confuse our lives with Dr. Crane’s.

That’s why we’re bringing Peter Casey, who left CHEERS only to co-create and executive produce FRASIER, to the NerdMelt Showroom on November 18.

Oh, and of course we’ll also talk about WINGS. Because we know a lot of you guys liked WINGS.

October 25

Scribble to Screen at the Austin Film Festival

December 8

An Evening with Aaron Sorkin