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It doesn’t matter what you celebrate, this year’s SCRIPTNOTES HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR has you covered. Christmas? Noel, baby! Hannukah? Mazel tov! Festivus? Serenity now! Life Day? Wraaauuurrrrghh! The Rectification of the Voldranii? Many zuuls will know what it is to be roasted in the depths of the sloar that day, we can tell you.
Join us at the LA Film School, where our pals John August and Craig Mazin will host writers Jane Espenson (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER), Derek Haas (CHICAGO FIRE), Aline Brosh McKenna (WE BOUGHT A ZOO) and BJ Novak (THE OFFICE).
And we’ve added a surprise musical guest!
See you there! And happy Gurnenthar’s Ascendance to all!