This event is sold out.
Our first ever late-night library write-a-thon was a smashing success – every seat in the place was full from beginning to end. Every pizza slice consumed. Every laptop plugged in. Every page filled. Every Facebook feed idly scrolled through in procrastination.
So yeah, of COURSE we’re doing it again. So join us again on April 11, and bring along whatever you’re working on for the Nicholl Fellowships or the Austin Film Fest or Final Draft’s Big Break or Writers on the Verge or the Disney ABC Writing Program or whatever you’re applying to this year.
Here’s what lies in store for those who hang out with us:
Delicious non-pizza snacks
Beverages (non-alcoholic, but still)
Giveaways and prizes
Our entire library staff, at your service all night
The library will be open during normal hours but will close early in preparation – so we’ll be open from 11am to 4pm. The Write-a-thon begins at 6pm, when we’ll begin offering pizza, snacks, and fun giveaways. The cover charge (a steal at five bucks) covers your attendance from 6pm to 11pm. Check-in for the event will begin at 6pm. Space is limited, so register early!
And though we encourage you to apply to as many contests as you can, we don’t endorse any one contest over all the others.
Thanks to our friends at Final Draft for supporting this event.